Embed an interactive R console in Hugo

Playing with rrdr.io

A comprehensive index of R packages and documentation from CRAN, Bioconductor, GitHub and R-Forge. rdrr.io is a very interesting website to play around with. Not only an exhaustive index of R packages and documentation, it is capable of running R directly from your browser or within an R Notebook. The implementation comes preloaded with over 12,000 packages, which is very impressive indeed. If you want to embed interactive R code in your Hugo website… [Read More]
rdrr.io  test  Hugo  R 

Live Share in Visual Studio Code

Collaboration made easy

The Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Live Share extension provides a great way to collaborate on code whilst working from home. Assuming read/write access is enabled, you and your team mates can edit code, highlight sections of it, save it, and run it in real-time. Just bear in mind that when code is run, it is run locally, which means you won’t have access to any objects that aren’t in your own environment or datasets that aren’t on your own machine. [Read More]

Build a website in Hugo

A how to guide

Step 1 - Creating your website locally We’re going to do this on a Mac. Things might be a bit different if you’re using Windows, so be aware of that. First you need to install hugo. You can do this in the terminal: brew install hugo Now decide where you want your website to be created. I like to keep all my work in a Desktop folder called git. Go to this directory. [Read More]